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TIPS ON MAINTAINING A HEALTHY HEART Below are 8 tips you can do to keep the heart healthy, namely: 1. The Drink Green Tea Without Sugar, Carbonated Beverages Leave Own brewed green tea and take it wherever you go, be it to the office or just a visit to the park.Green tea contains antioxidants that are good for heart health by preventing damage to blood vessels.Drinking two cups of unsweetened green tea daily have been shown to have benefits for protecting heart health. 2. Perform Relaxation Doing regular relaxation every day can lower blood pressure and stress hormones that can wreak havoc on the heart and cardiovascular system. Stop and take a few deep breaths, or stretch out and let your body relax. Doing meditation or yoga session will also provide good benefits for the heart. 3. Eat Nuts Healthy Replace your snacks to eat nuts are natural and healthy. Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream. N


TIPS TO MAKE RENDANG (INDONESIAN FOOD) The main ingredients of beef rendang recipe: - Typical Beef 2 pounds of fat and diced wash. - Coconut milk 2 liters (Do not use instant coconut milk) Ingredients seasoning beef rendang: - 7 cloves of garlic - 1/2 tablespoon coriander - Turmeric 1 vertebra thumb that has been burned - 1 vertebra thumb galangal - 2 cm ginger burned - 6 grains of walnut - 100 grams red chili - 100 grams of curly red chilies to taste - 14 spring onions - 1 teaspoon toasted cumin - 2 1/2 teaspoons salt - 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg Blend all the seasoning rendang recipe above. Seasoning Ingredients Rendang - 3 stalks lemongrass leaves crushed - 3 leaves of turmeric - 4 cm kandis acid - 5 lime leaves How to Make Beef Rendang: First prepare a large skillet and then enter the input coconut flavor that has been crushed before, do not forget to add kandis acid, turmeric leaf, lemon grass leaf stems and stir continuously for about 30 minute


TIPS INVEST YOUR MONEY Investment is a term with several definitions related to finance and economics. The term is associated with a form of asset accumulation with a hope of future benefit. Sometimes, investing is also known as investment,In addition to adding a person's income, the investment also carries a financial risk if the investment fails. Investment failure is caused by many things, including the factor of safety (both from natural disasters or caused by human factors), or the rule of law.Here is how to invest money safely: 1.INVESTING IN BONDS   OTHER OPTIONS ARE A BIG invest BOND, BOND ISSUED BY A PRIVATE COMPANY AND         YOU BUY BONDS GOVERNMENT.WHEN , BASICALLY YOU GIVE LOAN TO THE COMPANY THAT       YOU INSTEAD .AS GETS FIXED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MONETARY INTEREST RATE         BONDS AFTER THE DURATION OF CERTAIN 2.DEPOSIT   BANKS SET TO OFFER INTEREST AMOUNT YOU SAVE WITH THEM FOR A TIME THAT HAS         DETERMINED.TERM VARY BUT GENERAL RANGE


TIPS FINDING YOUR SOULMATE 1.SEARCH THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA   NUMBER WITH SOCIAL MEDIA TODAY, WE CAN EASILY KNOW AND SEE PHOTOS OF PEOPLE       THAT WE CAN MANAPUN.KARNA USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO FIND FRIENDS AND WHEN WE CONSIDER   WHETHER THERE THEN WE CAN MAKE OUR Soul Mate. 2.CONTACT OLD FRIENDS   OTHER WAYS TO CONTACT WITH OLD FRIENDS OR FRIENDS WHILE WE STILL HIGH SCHOOL,     MAY ONLY HIGH SCHOOL FRIEND THAT WE ARE Soul Mate. 3.INTORDUCES ASK FRIENDS   CARA BERIKUTNYA ADALAH DENGAN CARA MINTA DIKENALKAN DENGAN TEMAN DARI TEMAN       ATAU KERABAT KITA. 4.Get yourself out there   If you expect to find your soulmate at some point, chances are you're going to   have to take part in the exciting activity known as dating. No, you're not       alone; yes, it can be a hassle, and occasionally more than disappointing. But     dating can take a lot of forms, and with a little bit of confidence, self-       respect, and creativity, can help you find the person of your d


TIPS TO MAKE GOOD FRIED RICE Recipe fried rice you know there are many kinds of readers. There are recipes traditional Javanese fried rice are sold in all the way, or modern fried rice recipe using seafood or curry and other flavors. For those who want a delicious fried rice recipe is simple nan, please peep the recipe below material: 250 grams of white rice 100 g shrimp were, peeled 5 pieces of beef meatballs, sliced ​​round 50 grams of peas 2 leeks finely sliced 1 tablespoon chili sauce 1/4 red tomatoes, sliced 2 tablespoons oil for sauteing 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tsp ang ciu Complement: egg and prawn crackers Subtle Seasonings: 2 cloves of garlic 3 red onions 1 red chilies 1/4 teaspoon pepper salt to taste How to Make: 1. Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant, put green onion, and tomatoes and stir well. Add shrimp and meatballs, stir well. 2. Insert the white rice, add the sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, and ang ci

tips traditionally treat flu

TIPS TRADITIONALLY TREAT FLU Change of seasons is often accompanied by flu outbreaks. Of course a lot of drugs are sold in the market to overcome the pain of this one. But for those who prefer a natural remedy there are several options you can take.  1. Iron  Iron is an essential mineral that is needed more than 300 enzymes in the body. Iron can be found in foods such as meat, liver, seafood and eggs. There is also now available in the form of pills and syrups. Why iron helpful? This substance has the effect of strengthening the body's immune system, mood, sex life and health associated with breathing. When you get flu symptoms early, add iron intake in your diet. As a bonus, a little iron can help reduce flu symptoms.  2. Garlic  Garlic is believed to have many benefits. Allicin is the most potent against the flu. According to the study content of allicin in garlic can reduce the risk of contracting the flu and flu cures quickly. But there are side effects for pe


  Tips Care Your Car 1.     Battery – Keep the battery connections clean, tight and corrosion-free. Cold weather is hard on batteries, so it’s wise to check the battery and charging system. Because batteries don’t always give warning signs before they fail, it is advisable to replace batteries that are more than three years old.   2.    Heater, Defrosters and Wiper Blades – Check that the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system are working properly as heating and cooling performance is critical for interior comfort and for safety reasons, such as defrosting. Fall is also a great time to check your air filters. Wiper blades that are torn, cracked or don’t properly clean your windshield should be replaced. As a general rule, wiper blades should be replaced every six months. When changing the blades, be sure to also check the fluid level in the windshield washer reservoir. 3.     Tires – Check the tires, including the tire pressure


  A healthy lifestyle will make your heart healthier. Here are 10 things you can do to improve yours. Get active Do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. One way to achieve this target is by doing 30 minutes of activity on five days a week. Fit it in where you can, such as by cycling to work. Give up smoking Smoking is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease. A year after giving up, your risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.  Manage your weight Being overweight can increase your risk of heart disease. Stick to a well-balanced diet low in fat and high in fruit and vegetables, combined with plenty of physical activity. Download the 12-week weight loss plan. Ditch the salt To maintain a healthy blood pressure, stop using salt at the table and try adding less to your cooking, or cut it out completely. You'll soon get used to it. Also watch out for high salt levels in processed foods. Check the food labe


Choosing life insurance is a tough task. Here are a few tips to help you: 1. Take your time and make the right decision. Don't rush into a decision. 2. When you purchase a policy, make your check payable to the insurance company -- not to the agent. Be sure you are given a receipt. 3. After you have purchased an insurance policy, keep in mind that you may have a "free-look" period for 10 days after you receive the policy. You can change your mind during this period. If you decide not to keep the policy, the company will cancel the policy and give you an appropriate refund. 4. If an agent or company contacts you and wants you to cancel your current policy to buy a new one, contact your original agent or company before making any decisions. Canceling your policy to buy another could be very costly to you. 5. If you have a complaint about your insurance agent or company, contact the customer service division of your insurance company. If you still are diss


Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress When you're feeling anxious or stressed, these strategies will help you cope: Take a time-out. Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, get a massage, or learn relaxation techniques. Stepping back from the problem helps clear your head. Eat well-balanced meals. Do not skip any meals. Do keep healthful, energy-boosting snacks on hand. Limit alcohol and caffeine , which can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks. Get enough sleep. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest. Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health. Check out the fitness tips below. Take deep breaths . Inhale and exhale slowly. Count to 10 slowly . Repeat, and count to 20 if necessary. Do your best . Instead of aiming for perfection, which isn't possible, be proud of however close you get. Accept that you cannot control everything . Put your stress in perspective: Is it really as bad as you think


7 TIPS FOR CHOOSE YOUR TRAVEL DESTINATIONS Interests Decide what you would like to do. Do you like adventure and adrenaline pumping activities? Consider a place that has rafting, skydiving, zip-lining, and mountain climbing. If you like history, ancient places like Egypt, China or Rome might be right for you. Beach destinations are popular for relaxation. Consider theme parks or camping when traveling with children         2. Visas Check visa requirements for foreign travel. People traveling within Visa Waiver Program countries aren't required to apply for tourist visas in advance. Their visa is issued upon port of entry as a passport stamp. For travel to or from other countries, you may have to apply well in advance to obtain your visa before travel, so consider this when choosing your destination.       3. Vaccinations   Go to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) web site. Search your travel destination to see what medications and


Top 10 Side-Jobs that Can Make Money Easily  1. Blogging As I live and breathe, I can attest to this one personally. Blogging is a popular and often enjoyable side job that can help generate a few extra bucks. Typically, you won’t make all that much money unless you’re truly prolific as a writer. However, you can still make some decent money. There aren’t a lot of sites to find a good blogging job. We’ve found to be an excellent source of legitimate blogging jobs. Of course, if you can’t find one there, Google is always your friend. Once you find a blog to work for, you can start writing immediately. This is great if you happen to be knowledgeable in a field and even better if you love to write. 2. Pet Sitting and Baby Sitting Side-jobs We included both of these at once because they are essentially the same job. As any parent or pet owner will tell you, there are some days where an absence of a child or pet is a welcome reprise. In most cases, people


TIPS MENABUNG PINTAR Beberapa orang sangat sulit untuk menabung namun memiliki keinginan besar untuk menabung.Banyak yang baru satu bulan mulai menabung namun tabungan sudah dikuras untuk memnuhi keperluan.berikut ini saya akan share cara menabung pintar : Lupakan tabungan anda.Agar tabungan anda tidak cepat dikuras hendaknya anda melupakan tabungan anda terlebih saat anda memerlukan uang. Ingat tabungan anda.Saat anda gajian atau mendapat bonus ingatlah bahwa anda sedang dalam program menabung,kurangi jajan dan sisihkan lah sedikit penghasilan anda untuk ditabung. Mulailah dari yang kecil.Uang receh kembalian yang sering kita anggap tidak berguna dan terkadang dibuang mulai sekarang hendaknya anda tabung.bagaimana kita akan mendapatkan sesuatu yang besari bila yang kecil kita abaikan. Pikirkan suatu tujuan atau barang impian yang ingin dimilik.Dalam menabung anda harus punya tujuan atau sesuatu yang ada impikan untuk anda beli dari hasil menabung.Jadi setiap anda berp


Tips Memilih Usaha Sampingan Tidak sedikit dari karyawan kantoran merasa penghasilannya kurang untuk mencukupi kebutuhannya sehingga mencari usaha sampingan,berikut beberapa tips untuk para karyawan kantoran untuk memilih usaha sampingan yang tepat: Carilah usaha yang tidak mengganggu waktu anda untuk kerja di kantor.Usaha sampingan adalah sumber penghasilan tambahan dan penghasilan kita bersumber dari pekerjaan kantor kita.jadi dua-dua nya harus balance dan tidak terbengkalai.usahakan kita melakukan usaha sampingan diluar jam kantor. Kenali Kemampuan atau kelebihan kita.Dalam mencari usaha sampingan kita harus mengetahui kemampuan atau kelebihan kita.apakah kita lebih cenderung ke perdagangan,pertanian,perternakan atau yang lain.Hobi pun bisa jadi usaha sampingan,contohnya Hobi mengoleksi barang-barang kuno,mengoleksi ikan hias,mengoleksi batu cincin atau banyak lainnya. Pahami resiko.Dalam usaha pasti ada untung rugi dan ada kalanya tidak berjalan dengan yang te

Tips Menyenangkan Hati Wanita

10 Tips Menyenangkan Hati Wanita 1. Beri Pacar Anda Hadiah Dadakan Unexpected gift in unexpected time. Hal-hal kecil dan tidak terduga akan selalu di ingat kaum wanita. Beri kado atau hadiah-hadiah kecil bisa membuat mood wanita kembali. Apalagi jika hadiah-hadiah itu memang dia butuhkan. 2. Selalu ada di sampingnya di saat-saat genting Yang ini sebenenernya contohnya banyak. Dari berinisiatif nganterin dia les pas sopirnya sakit, bantuin nyariin dompetnya yang hilang, sampai bantuin dia ngeganti ban pas ban mobilnya kempes di jalan. Kalo elo ada disaat-saat kayak gini, minimal elo akan dianggap the sweet boy (bukan muka lo yang manis ya!). Setelah itu dijamin, jalan untuk nembak terbuka lebar. 3. Humor Wanita sangat suka cowok yang humoris. Membuat wanita tertawa bisa mengembalikan moodnya yang hilang. Mungkin doi lelah seharian di tempat kerja atau habis berantem dengan teman kuliah, nah di saat-saat itu anda harus bisa membuat hatinya senang lagi. Humor s

Tips Mencari Jodoh Yang Baik Menurut Islam

                                                   7 cara mencari jodoh menurut Islam Berikut ini 7 cara mencari jodoh menurut Islam, yaitu: 1. Memperbaiki diri Jika kita ingin mendapatkan jodoh yang shalih, maka kita harus menjadi orang yang shalihah juga. Itulah maksud Allah dalam firman-Nya, “ Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk laki-laki yang keji, dan laki-laki yang keji adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik dan laki-laki yang baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang baik (pula). Mereka (yang dituduh) itu bersih dari apa yang dituduhkan oleh mereka (yang menuduh itu). Bagi mereka ampunan dan rezki yang mulia (surga) ” (QS. An-Nur: 26). 2. Tidak putus asa dalam berdoa Jangan pernah berputus asa untuk berdoa. Doa yang baik untuk mendapatkan jodoh adalah doa yang terdapat dalam surat Al Furqon ayat 74 : “ Ya Tuhan kami, anugrahkanlah kepada kami isteri-isteri kami dan keturunan kami sebagai pen

Tips membeli handphone bekas

Tips membeli handphone bekas Berikut ini adalah tips yang dapat Anda gunakan sebelum membeli handphone bekas. 1. Teliti kondisi fisik handphone Anda harus meneliti bagian-bagian detail handphone bekas yang ingin Anda beli. Beberapa yang patut Anda teliti adalah bagian casing, layar, keyboard, dan lensa pada kamera handphone. Amatilah apabila ada goresan atau kerusakan lainnya. Ini mungkin memerlukan waktu lama, namun hal tersebut sangat diperlukan. 2. Cek fungsi keyboard/ layar sentuh lebih jauh lagi, setelah Anda meneliti kondisi fisik, selanjutnya Anda harus mengecek fungsi dari tombol pada handphone atau layar sentuh apabila handphone tersebut mengusung teknologi touchscreen. Yang patut Anda cek adalah tombol kunci pengaman, tombol kamera, tombol off, dan tombol navigasi. Sebab itu yang paling renan mengalami kerusakan. 3. Periksa fitur kamera Setelah semua aman, kini saatnya Anda menjajal mengambil gambar melalui kamera pada handphone tersebut. Sebab, fit

Tips Membeli Rumah Bekas

                                                      7 Tips Membeli Rumah Bekas  Jika Anda hendak membeli sebuah rumah bekas, ada baiknya membaca beberapa tips berikut ini: 1. Usahakan untuk membeli rumah dari pemiliknya sendiri Cara membeli rumah bekas yang terbaik adalah langsung dari pemiliknya sendiri/tanpa perantara, karena di sana Anda bisa memperoleh informasi secara detail tentang rumah yang hendak dibeli. Selain itu dengan membeli langsung, harganya akan lebih murah karena penjual tidak perlu memberi komisi kepada broker/perantara. 2. Pilih broker/ perantara yang tepat Jika terpaksa Anda harus membeli rumah melalui jasa broker, maka pilih broker yang bisa Anda percaya. Alternatif lain adalah dengan meminta referensi broker properti dari relasi-relasi Anda. Jika tidak, sebaiknya gunakan jasa broker porperti terkenal yang sudah memiliki kredibilitas baik, yang akan sangat membantu saat pengurusan dokumen jual-beli


Tips Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Secara Alami 1.Cara Mengobati Jerawat Dengan Putih Telur Caranya yaitu, pisahkan kuning telur dan ambil putih telurnya saja. Kocok sebentar lalu oleskan ke wajah dan diamkan selama 15 menit. Putih telur ini akan membantu mengurangi minyak di wajah yang seringkali menyebabkan timbulnya jerawat. 2.Cara Mengobati Jerawat Dengan Pasta Gigi Satu hal yang perlu diingat disini pasta gigi yang digunakan adalah yang bentuknya pasta(seperti Pepsodent) bukan yang bentuknya gel(seperti Close Up). Caranya hampir sama denga kedua cara di atas. Oleskan pasta gigi ke jerawat dan bagian lain di sekitar jerawat tersebut sebelum tidur. Biarkan semalaman/sampai pagi kemudian bilas dengan air bersih. 3.Cara Mengobati Jerawat Dengan Tomat Buah yang satu ini selain bagus untuk kesehatan mata juga cukup efektif menghilangkan komedo hitam(blackheads). Yang pertama harus dilakukan adalah mengiris tomat menjadi dua lalu oleskan ke seluruh wajah yang berjerawat


Inilah 7 tips melakukan diet yang bisa anda lakukan : 1.  Jangan menghindari sarapan Sarapan merupakan cara terbaik untuk melakukan diet karena dapat memberikan energi untuk kebutuhan anda sepanjang hari.Meninggalkan sarapan berarti membuat anda lapar dan kemungkinan besar untuk makan dalam jumlah yang banyak di siang harinya. Dengan begitu penting sekiranya untuk anda yang akan melakukan diet memperhatikan asupan makanan ketika sarapan karena dengan makanan yang sehat akan meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh anda. 2.  Minum air 8 gelas perhari Mendapatkan berat badan ideal bukan dari asupan makanan saja akan tetapi kebutuhan cairan tubuh yang harus dipenuhi. Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan dengan minum air dua gelas sebelum makan merupakan cara terbaik dalam menurunkan berat badan. Penuhi kebutuhan minum dengan air mineral anda setiap hari sebanyak 7-8 gelas  perhari. 3.  Makan dalam porsi sedikit tetapi sering Makan dengan jumlah yang sering dan dalam porsi yang s